Dispatch tools for power plants (OCGT, CCHT, CHP, …): our tools are used to dispatch any power plant on the day-ahead and on the imbalance market.

  • Our optimisation algorithms handle real-world technical characteristics of power plants, like technical minimum, non-linear efficiency curves, temperature-, pressure- and humidity dependencies, specific start curves, ramp rates, stabilisation periods, parking conditions etc. With current market volatility, this detailed optimisation is inevitable when the optimal operation of a power plant is required.
  • Our tools can be applied in an analysis setting for historical and predicted dispatch simulations and in real-time for controlling real power plants.
  • Our real-time tools for power plant control can be set-up in a secured cloud environment or in a local server infrastructure.

J’ai investi dans un système durable. J’étais ravi de pouvoir encore l’améliorer avec Biogee.

I invested in a durable system. I was delighted to make it even beter with Biogee.

Jérôme Breton

CEO, Biométhane du bois d’Arnelle (BBA)